How To Remove Date From Blogger Post URL
To remove date and time from blogger post: you have to follow this method, by taking this steps you can easily remove date from blogger post to remove date stamp in blogger
Before i start, i wanna explain what is permalink, what is URL, Advantage and Disadvantage of remove date from blogger post URL.
What is permalink?
t’s a contraction of two words i.e. Permanent and Link which does exactly what it appears like. Permalink could be a permanent link to your blog posts or to a page of your website.
how to remove date from blogger post URL
What is URL?
URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It’s what you type in at the highest of your browser once you wish to travel to an internet site. It allows you to seek out a selected web content or file across the web .
URL may also be called Web Address, rather like a postal address, which enables us to mail its to remove date from blogger post url
Advantage of Remove date from blogger post URL:
By removing date from your blog post URL, it will looks like a wordpress site post link. It will gives your site more professional looks.
Short is link SEO friendly It's also a plus point.
Disadvantage of remove date from blogger post URL :
There is also some disadvantage of remove date from post URL.
It can maybe effect on your on page SEO. All the post you have already published and submitted on google search console will be 404 error.
Post will appear in your site but old link will not work anymore. When visitors will click on your old link, the link will redirect them to 404 error page. For this reason you can badly lost your traffics.
So get started the tutorial
- Sing in your blogger dashboard and click on theme
- Now click on edit HTML and find out this <head> tag.
Copy the code given below and Simply paste it below the <haed> tag.
// BloggerJS v0.3.1
// Copyright (c) 2020 Techno Droid
// Licensed under the MIT License
var urlTotal,nextPageToken,postsDatePrefix=!1,accessOnly=!1,useApiV3=!1,apiKey="",blogId="",postsOrPages=["pages","posts"],jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!0,feedPriority=0,amp="&"[0];function urlVal(){var e=window.location.pathname,t=e.length;return".html"===e.substring(t-5)?0:t>1?1:2}function urlMod(){var e=window.location.pathname;"p"===e.substring(1,2)?(e=(e=e.substring(e.indexOf("/",1)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../"+e)):(e=(e=postsDatePrefix?e.substring(1):e.substring(e.indexOf("/",7)+1)).substr(0,e.indexOf(".html")),history.replaceState(null,null,"../../"+e))}function urlSearch(e,t){var n=e+".html";t.forEach(function(e){-1!})}function urlManager(){var e=urlVal();0===e?accessOnly||urlMod():1===e?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],1):2===e&&(accessOnly||history.replaceState(null,null,"/"))}function getJSON(e,t){var n=document.createElement("script");if(useApiV3){var o=""+blogId+"/"+e+"?key="+apiKey+"#maxResults=500#fields=nextPageToken%2Citems(url)#callback=bloggerJSON";nextPageToken&&(o+="#pageToken="+nextPageToken),nextPageToken=void 0}else o=window.location.protocol+"//"+window.location.hostname+"/feeds/"+e+"/default?start-index="+t+"#max-results=150#orderby=published#alt=json-in-script#callback=bloggerJSON";o=o.replace(/#/g,amp),n.type="text/javascript",n.src=o,document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n)}function bloggerJSON(e){var t=[];if(useApiV3||void 0===urlTotal&&(urlTotal=parseInt(e.feed.openSearch$totalResults.$t)),useApiV3){try{e.items.forEach(function(e,n){t.push(e.url)})}catch(e){}nextPageToken=e.nextPageToken}else try{e.feed.entry.forEach(function(n,o){var r=e.feed.entry[o];,n){"alternate"[n].rel&&t.push([n].href)})})}catch(e){}urlSearch(window.location.pathname,t),urlTotal>150?(jsonIndex+=150,urlTotal-=150,getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority],jsonIndex)):nextPageToken?getJSON(postsOrPages[feedPriority]):secondRequest&&(nextPageToken=void 0,urlTotal=void 0,jsonIndex=1,secondRequest=!1,0===feedPriority?(feedPriority=1,getJSON("posts",1)):1===feedPriority&&(feedPriority=0,getJSON("pages",1)))}function bloggerJS(e){e&&(feedPriority=e),urlManager()}bloggerJS();
- Now click save and you have successfully done.
Conclusion :
I hope you've got successfully removed the date from your blog post URL.
If you've got any doubts or questions, you can comment below here and we will try to fix your problem. If you like this submission on how to remove date from blogger post url than plz share this submission with yours blogger friends